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The area to be treated is coated with generous layers of a skin numbing cream. Sun avoidance is recommended for a period of three days. The downtime is minimal. The Fraxis Duo device has a surgical handpiece as well, which can get rid of unsightly moles, skin tags or warts. Cons: Laser resurfacing could be risky in very dark skin types. The treatments are done at monthly intervals. Now, you can say goodbye to saggy and wrinkled skin! File picture of Cardi B used for Representational purposes only In an era of perfect faces and bodies, your neck and hands can give away your true age if it’s wrinkled, sagging or covered with age spots.One to three treatment session are generally required to achieve the maximal results. This technology offers laser resurfacing in a colour-blind technique, as they are gentler on the skin compared to carbon dioxide lasers. However, the Fraxis Duo device also offers Microneedling Radio frequency technology.This treatment resurfaces skin and gives you a youthful look. There is no need for local or general anaesthesia. Some of the celebs that have used this treatment are Courtney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman and Cameron Diaz. The laser treatment also generates enough tissue heat to cause shrinkage or ‘remodelling’ of the existing skin collagen, which also translates into a skin tightening and lifting effect. Fraxis duo involves laser resurfacing using fractional carbon dioxide laser. This leaves areas of uninjured skin in between the tiny holes. Laser resurfacing is also cost-effective, despite the multiple sessions. No need for hospitalisation or wheeling into an operation theatre. Post-treatment, the skin will look flushed and slightly swollen. No risk of bleeding or bruising.Pros: Most patients are looking for non-invasive or semi-invasive treatments for cosmetic indications. Your doctor will recommend anti-septic creams, sunscreen and skin-repairing creams for the next three to five days, to allow speedy recovery of the resurfaced skin. Youthfulness not only indicates beauty but vitality and good health as well.. Treatment cost varies from Rs 8,000 to 15,000 depending upon the area of the treated. It is then covered with tape or wraps and left for 60-90 minutes before the skin is rendered numb. Besides, it is not easy to keep your neck and hands hidden at all times. At the end of the treatment, the skin appears smoother, tighter, less pigmented, and with fewer lines and wrinkles. This involves using pixelated shots of laser beams to create multiple tiny holes, or “micro-injuries” to the skin, in a controlled and even manner. Injury triggers the skin’s natural wound healing response, which leads to improved circulation to the  aluminum mascara case manufacturers skin, along with the formation of fresh collagen tissue which restores the skin’s youthful thickness and elasticity. No tell-tale marks or scars of a facelift.Dr Sunaina Hameed is a city-based cosmetic dermatologist. The patient is now comfortable during the treatment, which usually takes 45-60 minutes.

Posté le 11/11/2020 à 03:19 par linertubes

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